Kissing is one of our favourite pass times.

When we kiss, our brains release a waterfall of chemicals, including oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. Oxytocin is the chemical linked to pair bonding and is nicknamed the “love hormone” for a reason. These increased endorphins make the body feel good, aiding in feelings of attachment.

International Kissing Day is July 6, and after originating in the UK in the early 200s, the world embraced it.

The concept behind International Kissing Day is that many people may have forgotten the simple pleasures associated with kissing for kissing's sake, as opposed to kissing as mere social formality or foreplay.

Yinn advocates for slowing the pleasure process, resting, receiving and surrendering to your true sexual essence.
Looking for an excuse to kiss today? Try our eight ideas to celebrate International Kissing Day.

1. Experiment
There are countless styles of kissing, whether it’s a French kiss, Superman style, nibble or tracing the lips. As humans, we tend to stick with what we’re confident and comfortable doing, so this is your challenge to mix it up. You’ll never know if you don’t try so check out this comprehensive list of kiss styles and choose something at random. 

2. Stimulate the senses
When we remove one sense, the brain remodels itself, giving more real estate to others. Ask to blindfold your partner and kiss them from top to toe or play with temperature by placing an ice cube on your tongue for a toe-tingling pash. Music can also enhance your pleasure experience, so try one of our curated Spotify playlists here.

3. Command
Ever watched a steamy scene in a movie or fantasised about kissing in a particular way? This activity is for you. Take turns with your partner to express how and where you want to experience pleasure. According to our survey, 44% of you prefer kissing on the lips, 19% love a bite, 8% butterfly kisses and 6% a subtle peck. Remove the need to reach the destination of sex and focus on satisfying each other from the lips alone. The Body Oil is a valuable tool to slow down your practice and show love to each body part. Perhaps you desire your partner to kiss you from top to toe after a heavenly massage? 
4. Lipstick mark
Leaving a bright red lipstick mark on the mirror can be a fun way to set the mood for yourself or give a suggestive message to a partner. Put on your favourite shade, pucker up and get creative. If you wish, venture away from the mirror and leave lipstick marks all over your partner’s body if they’re into it.

5. Mix up the location
Public displays of affection (PDA) aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but you can still spice things up in public without the eyes of others. Perhaps it’s solo time at the beach, on a hike or a steamy makeout session in the car. The risk of getting ‘caught’ can be a turn-on, so sneak a pash in a lift, shopping centre or cinema, and the world is your oyster.


6. Strawberry kisses
Eating can be sensual; just ask our CEO Rosie Rees. Everything tastes better when you slow it down and seduce your food (and perhaps a partner at the same time.) Prepare some strawberries, dip them in dark chocolate or pair them with whipped cream and bring an element of fun to your make out session. It can be ultra sexy to watch each other make out with a strawberry pre pash, with the bonus of your lips tasting extra sweet.


7. Bucket list kiss
International Kissing Day is not exclusive to partners. 16% of you said you would kiss a lover and 5% a friend, but what about someone you’ve wanted to kiss? Stop waiting for the right moment and make it happen. You won’t know if you don’t take the risk, so act respectfully, ask first (trust us, it’s hot) and make magic happen. Bringing up this article or mentioning the day is a sexy segway.
8. Self-love
27% of you said you would kiss yourself on this particular day, and we love hearing it. Your relationship with no. 1 (hey, that’s you) is pivotal to a healthy sex life, so if you spend the day solo, engage in an activity that pleases you. We recommend our rose quartz Hera wand to open your heart and enhance the energy of love in your body and life. If you don’t have a wand handy, run yourself a luscious bath and add a few drops of The Body Oil. You can read our guide to Self Pleasure In The Bath Tub Here.

Happy Kissing.

- Y x


July 06, 2023