Want to increase your sexual energy, creativity and pleasure?

It’s time to start sipping ceremonial grade cacao, aka nature's aphrodisiac.

Cacao has been known for centuries as "plant medicine" due to its heart-opening qualities and ability to bring receptivity, presence, connection and openness to the mind and body.

Unlike 100% dark chocolate, the processing of ceremonial grade cacao is kept as minimal and pure as possible. Freshly harvested beans are fermented and then dried but never roasted.

Our favourite ceremonial grade cacao is Solis Cacao. Organically and ethically grown on a small farm in the Peruvian Amazon, it's packed with nutrients and an excellent coffee alternative (plus it tastes like heaven on Earth.)

So what does cacao have to do with sex?

Cacao is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and it's the highest-known source of magnesium. 

What’s in ceremonial grade cacao? 

  1. Theobromine
    Cacao has a stimulating effect on the body but unlike coffee, it has a long half-life giving you a sustained buzz with no jitters or crash. Cacao also relaxes your muscles thanks to the bitter alkaloids present.

  2. Tryptophan
    The building block of the neurotransmitter serotonin, it enhances mood, sexual arousal, cognitive function and sleep regulation.

  3. Phenylethylamine
    Triggers the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, the hormones released in the brain when we fall in love. Expect to feel euphoric, joyful and open.

  4. L-arginine
    An amino acid that can be an effective natural sex enhancer for both women and men. It increases nitric oxide levels and promotes blood flow to the sexual organs, contributing to enhanced sensation, satisfaction and desire.

Rosie Ree's Cacao Recipe


1. Choose your dose

10-15g introduction dose
15-30g daily coffee replacement, meditation and daily ritual
35-45 ceremonial dose

2. Melt cacao over low heat so it does not burn with one cup of milk or water (we love oat or coconut milk) and add the desired sweetener (try raw honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar.)

3. Blend cacao using a whisk, stick, or transfer to a blender.

4. Drink with love. For a faster way, add hot water or milk to a blender with your cacao and serve.

Ready to experience all that ceremonial cacao has to offer?
Shop Solis Cacao here.

August 29, 2023